Wow. Mom & Vinny didn't know that when they said we were taking a baseball hiatus from blogging that it would end up being this long! I knew though, b/c if you didn't know this about me, I am rather psychic and I TOTALLY knew the Cardinals were going to win the World Series!!! GO CARDS!!!
The downside to not blogging for this long is that it's really hard to remember everything that's happened and get it all organized. So let's start with baseball. Mom took some pictures of us watching the games.
Vinny stole MY baseball Nylabone.
(Mom's note: you can see here that Vinny's eyes were swollen and had red bumps inside his eyelids, and this was many weeks post-surgery and suture removal.)
Look at him slobbering ALL OVER IT! MOM!!!
I was not happy about being stuck with the stupid plain Nylabone.All of the games didn't go in our favor. We were down in the dumps some games.

And some games we just couldn't even bear to watch so we closed our eyes.

Last Friday - the day of the big game - Mom got us some baseball themed treats - and some real foodable treats too from a new store that opened up in our neighborhood. Vinny even got a Cardinals collar to match mine! I think that means he might be staying. :(
Vinny checking out the baseball.
Vinny didn't even know the proper way to tear this open. Don't worry, I showed him later.
Peanut butter treats!
Nom nom nom
I had to take mine in the other room to eat it so that Vinny wouldn't try to swipe my crumbs!
All gone!We did some real celebrating that night! The Cardinals haven't won the World Series in our lifetimes so we really did it right - champagne and everything! Don't tell Mom. We did that after she went to bed.
We have a ton of stuff to catch everyone up on but we'll have to do that over the course of the week. For now I'm gonna go see if there is any of that bubbly left.
Later, friends!