Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Shut Up Stick

Some of you have been wondering what a "Shut Up Stick" is. My Aunt Valarie (who's apparently not my blood aunt but she's my Mom's sorority sister from college so according to Mom that means we're related?) came to visit us back in May from Milwaukee with her crazy, bossy dog, Sue Ellen. I wrote about her before. She was a piece of work, that one! She barked in my face and made me all intimidated of her, even though she looks like a harmless little fluffy furball on the surface.

Aunt Valarie brought me some chewy sticks made out of chicken that she got at Target. Sue Ellen, true to her high maintenance form, is supposedly allergic to them. Her loss, my gain! Aunt Valarie told Mom that she calls them "Shut Up Sticks" because they made Sue Ellen go away and stay busy for a long time whenever she was being annoying.

Now clearly, I am never annoying, but Mom kept the name. And boy do they keep me busy!!

You and your camera please go away and let me shut up with my Shut Up Stick.

Later, friends!


Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Ohhh that makes sense Vito. You look very happy with your shut up stick hee hee!

Tuni woons

Salinger The Pug said...


Mom is now renaming ALL of my chewy treats "Shut Up Sticks" because of your Auntie Valerie! HAHAHAHAA That's AWESOME!


Archie and Melissa said...

lol vito!
you are so cute wiith your shut up sticks!
you are a marketing genius my friend!
i think a new brand has just been born!
m & e

Minnie Moo said...

My mom calls them pug crack but shut up stick works too!



Minnie Moo

Southern Fried Pugs said...

We get bully shut up sticks. Those are pretty awesome, too. Petunia breaks out in hives with poultry, so no chicken for us. High maintenance pugs, that's what we are. We expect to get lots of shut up sticks in the next three weeks because mom has BIG papers to write for school. Whoo hoo for us!

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