Mardi Gras is kind of a big deal in St. Louis. Mom usually goes to a neighborhood called Soulard and celebrates there. But this year she decided she is old and would much rather celebrate in a nice warm bar and then have a party at our new house! I was totally on board with her decision.
Her friends Veronica from Kansas City and Summer from Mom's hometown came to stay with us for the weekend. I got all kinds of attention from those two! Veronica even brought me a long skinny stuffed bear, you know, because my second name is Baby Bear.

Oh Mr. Long Skinny Bear, you are delicious!!
Well you know my history with stuffed toys. This guy lasted a lot longer than most though - almost the whole night passed before I had him ripped open!
Full disclosure: the only reason Mr. Long Skinny Bear lasted as long as he did was because I was busy most of the night, doing this:
Veronica and Summer were helping Mom make pinwheels and jambalaya Friday night before the party on Saturday.
I was simply hoping for something to drop.
Just keeping Summer and her sandwich company.Well I bet you know what happened after that. I made myself comfortable and gave my best Sad Pug Face.

Summer was not as familiar with the Sad Pug Face as Mom is, and she certainly wasn't prepared for the Sad Pug Face Resting Chin On Your Foot, so guess what? I WON! Another victory for Vito. That's right, Mom! Summer gave me some sandwich!!!
Later friends!
Oh Vito, how can anyone resist Sad Pug Face Resting Chin On Your Foot! (spfrcoyf for short!) You totally deserved that sandwich! Nice stuffed long skinny bear....poor stuffed long skinny bear...poor unstuffed long skinny bear!
Hey Vito,
Looks like good times. Love it when I get someone who's soft to the sad pug face chin resting on foot move. You should have your mom go to the kygen website. They are looking for dogs to test toys on. Right now they are accepting applicants to test toys made out of firehouse. I bet you could totally destroy one of those!
Hee hee Vito we agree with DW about spfrcoyf...Summer had no chance of not sharing her sandwhich with yous. It usually works on Dad here :)
So um perhaps you would like to know we get our hoodies at a few shops. The blue one is from Petsmart and the green comfy one is from an online sotre H. Doodle, but hurry (if you um want to) this store is closing.
Sequoia and Tuni Woons
Gee it seems like nothing falls when you want it to so badly. Why is that?
I love Mr long skinny stuffed bear,,, and now i bet he is in the hospital.. poor thing.
You my little friend are too adorable for words,,, and my mommy would love to give you a nice kiss on the lips!
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