Hello friends. Do I have a story to tell you all. So on Friday, there I was, minding my own business, trying to ignore Vinny (as I do) when Mom shoved us both out the back door in to the back yard. We heard activity going on in the house, and I of course had to bark my fool head off (as I do). Well what would you know? Guess who appeared on the back porch.

Who the heck is that?? Well, you might recognize him. His name is
Hank. He is kind of famous. And he was wearing camouflage. So I was leary.
But then I went to investigate.
And you know what? I asked him a few tough questions, and then it took us no time to get chummy. He told one of those jokes they tell around the poker table at the VFW and I cracked up. I can't re-tell it here. After all, we are in mixed company and the "wimmen-folk" don't need to hear that kind of language.

So I told Mom it would be okay for him and his Mom Sarah to come in the house. I mean, they had driven all the way to St. Louis from Indianapolis.

When we got inside, I suddenly remembered though, that this is my house. And I needed to remind Hank of that.

I needed to brief him and ensure that he knew who was in charge of this operation.
Vinny, being my loyal (? loyal-ish I guess...) soldier took orders from me, seeing that I am the commander, and we interrogated Hank from both sides.

Finally I watched with pride as Vinny perfectly executed his months of being-obnoxious training and took over the interrogation.

He barked and howled right in Hank's face. Vinny did not care that Hank came in wearing camouflage and looking all tough.
Finally, Hank surrendered.
And then Vinny felt guilty. I did NOT teach him that.
While Hank "rested" (whatever!) I took quite a liking to his Mom Sarah. She was awfully nice and even brought us some rawhide/sweet potato twists and brought Mom a super cool magnet. Plus, she was comfortable. (Note Vinny on the floor... where I ordered him to sit.)

THEN, Vinny and I were sent to the back yard again!! What was going on?? I am telling you all, it was the weirdest day ever. Look what happened next!
Payton and her mom Christy and her gamma Diane came to visit too!

And Vinny and I were all up in her grill.

Let me tell you - don't let that sweet pink harness fool you...

This girl has an attitude! And she told Vinny to get right out of her face! (And between you and me, he deserved it! OK, and so did I when I got in her face later!) If you all don't know
Payton, go visit her, because she is a real miracle pug!! She has been living with PDE for five years!
In the mean time, I had released Vinny from his soldier duties, and told him to allow Hank to wander freely about the house. So we were in the kitchen, waiting for treats. I mean, what other reason would those humans have had for gathering in the kitchen?

Then my Mom had to do something stupid and pick up Hank.
Clearly Hank hated it. And I didn't appreciate it much either.
Hank eventually escaped and found his way to his own perch.

THEN, he made his way to the floor, and somehow ended up in front of Payton's mom Christy. I am still ticked off about this. I don't know how he knew that she had amazing massage techniques, and I am still plopping down in front of my Mom hoping for something similar to what Hank experienced. Behold:

Look at his face!! That is Pug Heaven! I need what he is getting!!

Well, I had enough of watching this love fest going on in the floor. So I went where I knew I could at least get my chest rubbed by someone (although it's no shoulder massage, MOM!!!)...

WHAT?? I'll take what I can get.
Then I moved on to Sarah. I told you I took a liking to her.

And clearly Hank didn't mind that I was hanging out with his Mom, I mean look at him...

Hank and Vinny eventually ended up setting up shop next to each other. I thought that was nice, you know, soldier and captive. Hank being the captive, Vinny being the soldier, and me being the commander of course.

WAKE UP, SOLDIER VINNY! No resting on the job!! Jeez, I have to do everything myself.
Here is all of us with our moms. Payton is showing us what she thinks of us stupid boys.
And look what Payton and her Mom brought to me and Vinny.

You know what? I've been trying for over 24 hours now and I haven't been able to rip either one open yet. What kind of magical material are these made of????? It's killing me!!!

Later friends!!