I'm a pug. And as a pug, I shed. Surely you know this. I shed like CRAZY! I think it's part of my charm but you may disagree. My Mom disagrees. Often. She's gotten better about it though, especially since the Great Shed Fest of April-May 2010. But now that it's cooler and I'm building up my winter coat, I shed a lot less.
Mom just ordered this new contraption to combat my unfortunate hair loss. It's called the Bissell Pet Hair Eraser (the hand-held variety). She tried it out tonight. And the title of this blog is GROSS for a reason. Behold:

After that one container-full from the living room rug, Mom emptied it. She said she could have filled that container at least 4 more times, but after she emptied it, the filter fell out and Mom might have cussed a little bit as she wrestled to get it put back together for at least 15 minutes. See, my Mom hates appliances and especially vacuums. She refuses to read the little book that comes with them or even look at the pictures. So she threw it in a bag and put a note in there for Uncle Michael to fix it when he comes over to pick me up after work tomorrow.
The good news is that the Bissell Pet Hair Eraser really works! She even wants to get the full stand up version. It works way better than the stupid Dust Buster she bought which picks up nothing at all!
The bad news is that Uncle Michael is coming to pick me up after work tomorrow. All the way until Saturday night because my poor sad Mom has to work a two-day event at that place she goes every day called HER JOB! I don't get it but whatever. I'm not sure I'm ready to see my stupid cousin Jack. He better be nice.
So as a treat for inflicting that gross hair picture on you, here are some pictures of me looking like my adorable self.
This is the look I'm going to give my cousin Jack when he thinks he can push me around.
This is the look I'll give Uncle Michael when my cousin Jack doesn't heed my previous warning look above.
And this is the look I'll give my Mom when she finally picks me up on Saturday. I'm always worn out after a stay at Uncle Michael's.
PS Mom told me today that I won a special donut from
Melissa and Emmitt!! I'm so excited! I can't wait for it to get here. I'll post lots of pictures when it does! I just hope it can withstand my energetic chewing. At least long enough for the pictures.