Mom and I are hunkering down for the predicted ice and snow that is headed for St. Louis! As you can see I am nice and cozy...for now anyway, assuming the power doesn't go out!

We don't have any bread, milk, or eggs but Mom made a vat of pasta for her last night and I have lots of stockpiled water and dog food! Mom even got cut loose from JURY DUTY (booooo, she says!) early today because of the weather, but she has to go back after the storm is over (boooooo again...).
I wish Mom would stop referring to me as "Snuggle Bear."I already wiped out going down the back steps when Mom got home from jury duty this afternoon because they were covered with ice. Mom was texting with her friend after that and she told her about my unfortunate slip, and her friend said "Tell Turbo to slow down!" Turbo?? I don't need any more nicknames! So Mom put down some rock salt and she keeps rubbing my paws with a towel when I come back inside. It feels pretty good, which is surprising because you know I hate having my paws touched! I just never know when someone is going to whip out some nail clippers!

So for now I'm going to saw some logs on Mom's lap. I know this storm is going to hit a lot of you guys too, so stay warm and safe and off the ice! Mom is still super paranoid after her fall on the ice last month so she's extra scaredy cat about it all. Good thing she has me to be the man of the house.
Later, friends!