I just wanted to write one last blog before we go visit my Grandma and Grandpa (thank God! Food!!) and Trey for Christmas! We are heading to Southern Missouri on Thursday so we'll be out of commission for a little while.
Speaking of "out of commission" my Mom has been since last Thursday. She fell really hard on the ice that morning and she even had to go to Urgent Care! I offered to drive her there but she chose to wait for Uncle Michael to come and get her. She's been even lazier than usual since then and popping pills like a junkie. She said her reasons are legit (pulled muscles in her stomach and back, and back spasms!) but I think she may be milking it a little. My hunch is just that she doesn't want to pick me up anymore.
She also said it doesn't help when she's lying on her back and I lay across her stomach, but I suspect that too is a lie, so I do it anyway. And she lets me.
Because of that she hasn't been taking nearly the daily quota of pictures of me (fine by me!) so in honor of the holidays, here's a repeat picture of Mom & me from last year - my first real Christmas! Happy Holidays to you all and we'll see you really soon!

Later friends! (And PS, extra special thanks to our friends
Sequoia and Tuni for their very nice holiday card! We love them!)