A Girl and Her Pug. Or should it be A Pug and His Girl?
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Holiday Card Rejects, Part 2
Oh how nice of my Mom to not only show you the really bad holiday card photo shoot rejects, but to also show you the "close but no cigar" holiday card photo shots. What a sweetheart. She's such a doll to share with the world all of my pain and suffering.
Look at me. I'm mortified.
Mom (who I'm currently not speaking to) says this is her favorite group of "almost made-its":
She says I look like a reindeer here. OMG she has completely lost her mind. Lay off the rum, Mom.
I'm sure she'll also be sure to show you the two that actually made the card as well. Because she apparently gets great satisfaction from my misery.
Those look pretty good to us. We haven't even tried one this year. As you can see from our Christmas picture last year at the top of our blog, getting everyone to look at the camera or be still is impossible.
We took our holiday photos today Vito. I really hope you got some treats during your pohot shoot. Mom is talking about getting Tuni a crazy hat like that, she says you look too freaking cute.
Those look pretty good to us. We haven't even tried one this year. As you can see from our Christmas picture last year at the top of our blog, getting everyone to look at the camera or be still is impossible.
We took our holiday photos today Vito. I really hope you got some treats during your pohot shoot. Mom is talking about getting Tuni a crazy hat like that, she says you look too freaking cute.
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