Vito was too overcome to write this post (ok, that might be a little melodramatic and the truth is that Vito's Mom might be selfish right now!), so here goes:
Louie left us this morning. It was harder than I even anticipated, and that is saying a lot. Even when logic enters the picture (as it definitely did last night and today), it doesn't matter when you see that little pug face in his new dad's arms at the car, and you know it is the last time. I know this little boy is going to the most amazing, most perfect home that he could possibly be going to. I know that this family is wonderful and will love him with every bit of them. But it still ripped out every piece of my heart, and I couldn't even control my tears enough to say goodbye to his mom as she was putting Louie's new human brother in his car seat. I just had to run inside and sob like a child. That's all I could do. I wish I could take that part back and have given them a proper goodbye and a proper thank you for giving me such a sense of comfort in being the PERFECT home for this little boy.
So with that, I leave you the pictures of Louie's last night, and morning, with Vito and me:

Vito whispering words of wisdom to his partner in crime on their last night together. :)
Sad Bear. (Disclaimer: no pugs consumed any wine during this photo shoot despite the presence of wine in the background.)
Louie's going-away bag.
Precious little boy going to his new home!
And one last kiss for his foster mom from the King of Kisses!...
Louie's new family! How cute are they???And we even already got a photo of Louie in his new home - exhausted. That's a good sign.

I hope you all noticed that Lou's new Mom commented on the last post. She is wonderful and Louie is such a lucky boy!! We love you forever Louie, and hope you never forget us. We will never forget you.
Later friends!