Dear Vito,
How are you? I am fine. Actually, I'm doing great! I have a new brother. His name is Jonah. He has some super sweet toys! (But I'm not supposed to play with them, so I don't tell anyone about my secret stash.)
How is Jack? What stupid things has he done lately? My mom says I have relatives in Nibraska (wherever that is) and we're going to visit them in a few weeks. My uncle Frodo is a Boston Terrier. My dad says he licks the air nonstop. Weird. My cousin Otis is also a Boston Terrier. He's so hyper that he doesn't take naps during the day. What kind of dog doesn't like to sleep?! I'm sure it'll be a good trip, though, because my Oma (that's what we call her) cooks a LOT, and I've been told she drops scraps. I will try to save some to mail to you later.
My mom said you are getting a foster sister. She said we should make fleece rope toys for you and Pippa, so I helped her make some. Yours is the one with blue in it and Pippa's has pink in it (because she's a girl - duh). If she doesn't end up liking rope toys,
Well, I hope we can have a play date sometime. My mom says you miss me. Your mom told her that. You're a big softy after all! Well, I miss you, too. Thank you for being my foster brother and friend.
Pugs and kisses,
PS Please give your mom snuggles from me!
And here's what he sent me!!
Pippa Update: I think maybe your prayers worked because Pippa is doing great! Her mom said she even walked to the pond today and chased a duck! She is still on steroid pills and they seem to be doing the trick for now. We all just hope that she doesn't relapse again once they ween her off of the pills. Fingers crossed for sweet Pippa. She's still sleeping a lot, but the fact that she's walking and eating and drinking is great news. Her mom and dad are prepared to take her to the specialist if she goes downhill again. We all hope that she was just faking it to get back to her real mom and dad! ;)
Here's a picture that her mom sent my mom!

Aww! Louie is so nice to think of you and send some cool toys. Glad to hear that Pippa is on the mend, but we'll make sure to keep sending more puggie prayers to make sure. I've been catching up on your blog and think it's awesome that you and your mom foster pugs. Gosh, it would be so horrible not to have a home, huh? My mom and dad wanted to do the same thing but when I got sick it just wasn't the best for me. Mom says that letting them go would be the hardest thing and thinks that your mom is so brave.
PS. I just love your name...are you from The Hill? My mom took me to the Missouri Baking Co once. Not in the bakery, unfortunately! I had to wait in the parking lot with dad.
Yay that Pippa is feeling better! Hopefully her new medicine will make her feel better for a long time.
And it's awesome that Louie wrote you and told you how great he is doing. That's the best reward for fostering. Knowing that the puggy you shared your home with has a wonderful home of their own.
Oh, Vito! That letter from Louie was soooo sweet! Even Hank is tearing up right now! (Don't tell him I told you.)
And that's good news about Pippa. I am taking Prednisone right now, too.
Lick ya later!
oh what a fabulous update from both louie and pippa!
look at the love and magic you have created gina!
i have goosebumps!
a & m
Awww! We're so happy to hear from your buddy LOUIE! That was nice of him to send the pre-slobbered ropes for you and Pippa!
Ok, speaking of Pippa...we're happy to hear she's doing better!
On to the next post!!!!
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