Don't worry, you haven't missed much. Well except for some "excitement" over Vinny being in some kind of contest for a COVER SHOOT for a MAGAZINE. Mom entered him in a contest for a local pet magazine's "rescue dog" edition. He made a pretty good run at it (with a LOT of help from our blogger friends over on that "Pug Sluts" - you heard me - page on Facebook). But he ended up coming in third place and instead just gets a little write-up and his picture in the magazine as opposed to a fancy photo shoot and the COVER. I say it's Mom's karma for not entering me (even though I was an "unofficial" rescue) because I think we all know who is better looking - ME, NOT VINNY. Here's the shot that they entered and will appear in the March issue of TAME Pet Magazine here in St. Louis:
We've also done "exciting" stuff like be SUPER lazy. Like this:
Oh in case you were wondering, I'm still peeing in the house. Hooray! But stupid Mom has really been making me wear that belly band WAY more often than she was. But if she relaxes it for a SECOND, you better believe I pee all over the furniture! Yes! I still win Mom!
I think that's all. OH and just so you know, Mom is REALLY mad at Blogger because she has been trying to leave comments on some of your blogs for a couple of weeks now and it just spins & spins & she can't! I don't have thumbs so I can't help, but Vinny does and even he couldn't make it work. The blogs that have a "pop-up" comment box work, but the others don't. :( We are sorry!!! Mom says she will keep trying.
Oh and remember Jax? His foster mom sent Mom this picture last week. He seems to be getting along with his foster sister Peggy just fine. The vets still say that surgery won't help his hips. It's super sad. They are trying diet & supplements for now. :(