THEN we went to a pet store. I love going to pet stores! Vinny though didn't react very well. He apparently just wanted to go home, especially when we went upstairs and this guy in a red suit picked us both up. And it went a little something like this:
Vinny doesn't like being held facing outwards (he's a real weirdo, that one), so they got better with time. As you can see though, I freakin' LOVE being the center of attention! I bet you thought it would be the other way around - that I would be the grumpy one. WRONG! Look at me just hamming it up for the camera! Woo-hoo!!
OH! And our friend Lucy and her Mom Melinda came too. Lucy didn't start out so great either.
But they finally got some really "traditionally" good ones too!

Later, friends!
PS. these were done by David Carlyon from Darkwood Studios at Pets in the City. He's amazing and photographs the beautiful stray dogs in East St. Louis that are helped by Gateway Pet Guardians, and the proceeds from these photos went to them!
Awwwwww! Look at those handsome boys!
Wonderful pictures!
Wesa have never been to see Santa Claus or Paws...maybe (HINT) someone typing for us'uns could take us to get our photograph'ums. By the way, you boys look good with Santa even if Vinny looks like Santa scares the pee-waddlin's out of him and you, Vito, look like you were slipped one of Santa's cookie and are hyped up on egg nog. Hehehehehe! When it is our turn, it will prolly be like this "Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark....(infinity)". Hehehehehe!
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Let's just say first off that I totally agree that the feet and face should not be touched! Ok, moving on. I totally thought it would be you, Vito, that had the problem with Santa. But regardless of Vinny's apprehension, those pictures are great! And how neat that Santa had a real beard! I may have to think about letting my mom take me to this place next year.
Dude, we HATE getting our nails trimmed!!
We think you got some pretty good pics with Santa :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
Finally, a photo of someone older than me! You two look great with Santa!
Hmm, wonder if Mack would like to go and see Santa. If there are treats involved he might!
We love the pictures of you guys with Santa! I bet it was hard to find a favorite.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Cute pictures! Vito you really have a great smile sitting with Santa.
The Girls
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