I was cordial. I even shared my beloved clear Nylabone with him for crying out loud!
For some reason, Jack wasn't liking me that day. Maybe he could sense my animosity, I don't know. But I was minding my own business three different times, and he attacked! Luckily my Mom (barely) kept her sh#% together and got the lunatic off of me before any damage was done!
She gave us some Shut Up Sticks and we were cool.
Uncle Michael came to get him on Sunday and to my former-friend Cousin Jack, I say good riddance! Mom says Aunt Becky the Dog Whisperer is going to have to come and "deal with" us since supposedly we are going to have to be around each other a lot. He's even going to be at my Grandparents' house when we go visit! He's probably going to even try to horn in on MY Christmas! Oh this is trouble.