The day of Mom's party it was really hot, so we all just laid around a lot in the air conditioning before they LEFT ME FOR THE WHOLE NIGHT.

I love Veronica! I met her one time before. When she comes to visit she sleeps on the sofa and I always try to sleep there with her but Mom scoops me up like a baby and takes me to bed with her instead.
And here's my Mom out on the town WITHOUT ME!
Alright, alright, I guess she can have a free night for her birthday. But let's not make a habit of it okay?
When they came back from the party, I got to stay up late and celebrate with a cigar. OK, it wasn't really a cigar, it was a chewy boney thing, but it makes me look pretty cool, right?

You know what’s coming soon, don’t you? That’s right, people! MY BIRTHDAY!! I will be three years old on June 22! My mom’s birthday is June 2 – she thinks that’s some kind of sign or something. I tell her she’s reaching.
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